Industry News

New mothers left alone and in pain as maternity crisis worsens

By February 10, 2022 One Comment
medical negligence

In an article published by The Times, they find that the NSH needs another 2500 midwives as they pressure on the NHS mounts.

Shaun Lintern, Health Editor, reports about a mother, Neya Joshi, and her ordeal after being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder months after giving birth to her son. Neya Joshi, a medical copywriter, states: “it was awful, I was so helpless and so desperate, and no one was interested in helping me. I have never felt fear like it.” She is one of the thousands of mothers who have received poor care due to the lack of staff within maternity wards.

This article highlights key issues regarding staffing within the NHS and how this is having a significant impact on care of maternity patients across the UK in 2021.

Key issues include:

  • Statistics from 122 NHS trusts within England have shown that maternity wards had to shut their door to women in labour 323 times within 2020-21. These units were shut for 16,294 hours with equivalates to 679 days.
  • Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust closed most often with 36 incidents over a total of 13 days.
  • In response to the growing concerns the NHS England has promised to employ a further 1200 midwives in March last year as part of a £95 million investment.
  • In September the number of midwives was down by 326 compared with the month a year before.
  • Data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the Labour Party has shown more than 450 in labour at 36 NHS trusts were diverted to a different hospital in 2021.
  • The number of midwives employed by the NHS reached a peak in July 2021 amid the coronavirus pandemic but has since then been on the decline.
  • NHS England said: “Despite pressures and the impact Covid has undoubtedly had on staffing across the NHS, there has been clear progress when it comes to improving overall outcomes and experiences in maternity care and the NHS remains one of the safest places in the world to give birth.”

You can read the article in full here

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