Industry News

£3 Million More To Reduce Brain Injuries at Birth

By November 12, 2021 No Comments

The have recently reported (article posted on November 5th, 2021) that minister for patient safety has Maria Caulfield has announced £3 million for the second phase of a programme to improve maternity safety.

The goal of this programme, into it’s second phase now, is to have brain injury caused after or during giving birth by 2025. The second phase is being led by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in collaboration with the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute at the University of Cambridge (THIS Institute)

During the first phase of the programme, over 500 healthcare professionals and over 140 women and birth partners were consulted. Nearly all healthcare professionals surveyed agreed there should be a national approach to monitoring babies during labour, adopted by all NHS trusts. Women and their birth partners called for better information, clear communication, and involvement in decision-making.

Within this announcement, the RCOG in partnership with RCM have said they will seek to address workplace culture factors so that they can ensure midwives and obstetricians work together to deliver safe care.

The examples of this are:

  • the development and testing of national tools to monitor and identify any deterioration in the baby’s health during childbirth
  • training for midwives and doctors focusing on teamwork, co-operation and positive working relationships, alongside technical skills, is being developed and pilot tested
  • a strategy to improve national databases to help identify what enables excellent care, bringing together Care Quality Commission (CQC) reports and published data on national brain injury rates
  • a childbirth safety culture toolkit to be developed and piloted which will include a new approach to ensure the whole system learns from good practice and mistakes


In a statement patient safety has Maria Caulfield stated, “I want every mother and baby to get the best possible care and start to life and am committed to supporting our dedicated NHS staff to make positive changes.”

You can read this article published by in full here.


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